We just purchased our first home in a small, quaint and charming little town in northern Wisconsin. Let the fun begin! While raising our six blessings, we are going to attempt to revitalize our cozy Dutch Colonial Revival home. Follow along and see what we learn, discover, and overcome in the process. It is sure to be a houseful of laughs!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's Hammertime....

Anyone that thinks the pen is mightier than the sword has not seen my husband swing his hammer with such deadly force. For some reason that I did not fully understand, my husband decided to continue removing the ceiling above the dining room last night - three hours before we had to leave for church. I give the man credit; he got it done in time for me to make dinner and we even left for church a few minutes early.

But I digress. As he was removing the ceiling, he saw what he thought was just a big pile of a dust bunny. All of a sudden, he started teetering on the ladder - I thought he lost his balance or something. I mean, he looked so comical flailing around, but then he started yelling for the hammer. Apparently, the dust bunny was actually alive and turned out to be yet another bat.

Whack with the hammer and that bat was no more. Ugh....only our youngest son seemed excited by it all. He spent the rest of the time singing and dancing around the house talking about how we had seven bats but now we have eight. All I can say, is I am sick of these bats and I really want to know how they are getting in the house so that we can permanently close up their access.

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