First, we installed our picket fence in the front yard.
Unfortunately, our yard is anything but level! We had to step down on the sides - one more than the other - to stay within the four foot high city requirements. This year I am planning on painting the fence white.
Our second big investment, and the reason why a lot was not done on the house last year, was a new steel roof on the garage. The old roof was pretty old and in poor condition when we bought the house in 2011. It finally reached the point where the insurance company put a rider on our policy excluding the garage which meant it was definitely time for an upgrade.
Now that you are caught up on what we accomplished last year, let's review the various projects in store for this year (and which I will be much better about sharing as we go along). This is the year that we are going to really start pushing on many of the projects.
This week, we finished the first of many - upgrading the washer and dryer set. My old set was, well, old. The washer had come with the house and was super-sized. While it worked, it had a few quirks about it. The dryer was a housewarming gift from my mother and had been refurbished. The first few years we used it we kept blowing the thermostat on it. We finally determined that we could dry our clothes so long as we set the temperature setting on medium instead of high. That worked great for a few years, but lately, we had to restart the dryer to get the entire load of clothes dry. So my husband decided it was time to spoil me a few weeks before my birthday.
What a difference! I usually spent most of Sunday doing all the laundry for the week when I am busy working at the local elementary school. I was able to do a week's worth of laundry in about four loads total. And each load only took about 40 minutes to wash (opposed to 50) and 45 minutes to dry (opposed to 60 minutes). And it plays the most charming music when it is done! Happy. Happy. Happy.
We have also started working on the downstairs bathroom. This is going to be a very time consuming project, to say the least. It is a fun one, though, with each member of the family "helping" me while I glue every single piece down individually.
It took us about four hours to do this small section. We have been saving pennies for a while and were going to wait to start this project when we thought we had enough. I got tired of waiting. I mean, we just do not use cash anymore like we used to with the debit cards and credit cards, so we just did not seem to be saving pennies like we used to. I will have to go to the bank and start purchasing rolls of them to keep working. The bathroom floor has been taken down to the subfloor. We are then gluing each penny down using an extra durable and clear epoxy that works with metal. I have decided to glue each penny down, face up, meaning that we see nothing but heads.
This is a pun for my husband who is a veteran of the in going to the head. Ha ha ha.
Each member of the family takes a turn handing me the pennies, tail side up, so that I can dab on a little bit of glue and stick the penny in its spot. The average tolerance level for "helping" has been two rows. We have had some debate about cleaning versus not cleaning, tarnished versus not tarnished, etc. However, since I suffer with my OCD, I decided that the best option was to be completely random and to use each and every penny regardless of condition, as is.
So, how many pennies are in this first section? We estimate approximately 1,404 or $14.04. So this project will take a while and we will be sure to keep you posted. As for the other projects, here is the list for this year:
- Trim the exterior windows and doors on the garage. (We finally bought a compound miter saw so we can start doing this type of stuff. Yeah!!!)
- Repair the wood floor between the office and kitchen.
- Sand, stain, and seal the living room wood floor.
- Install board and batten in living room.
- Install built-in bookcases in living room.
- Install baseboard in living room.
- Install crown molding in living room.
- Replace two living room windows.
- Install surround sound speaker system in living room.
- Install insulation in living room ceiling.
- Repair broken lathe and plaster in living room.
- Paint living room.
- Update light fixture in living room.
Stay tuned for more pictures and works-in-progress.