We just purchased our first home in a small, quaint and charming little town in northern Wisconsin. Let the fun begin! While raising our six blessings, we are going to attempt to revitalize our cozy Dutch Colonial Revival home. Follow along and see what we learn, discover, and overcome in the process. It is sure to be a houseful of laughs!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Up here in the frozen tundra, winter seems unwilling to release her hold on us as we anxiously await warm spring days. It is hard to believe that last year, at this time, we were enjoying warm, balmy days and were hard at work taking down all the trees in the yard. This year, as you can see, no such luck!

This snow is actually fresh...fresh, as in it fell last night and was added to on and off throughout the day today. Which means that we are still working sporadically on interior projects, like scraping the trim in the upstairs hallway. Boy, that's about as exciting as it can get. I am sure you are sorry to have missed post after post about how we have been scraping. And scraping. And scraping. Hours and hours of it. We have killed about four scrapers thus far, with more left to do.

A few years before we bought the house, someone had the brilliant idea of painting all the original trim white. Except that they must not have known about such things as sandpaper or primer because the paint was not sticking too well and could actually be picked at and removed with fingernails. Not that I recommend that method be used!

So this is what we started with. Underneath all of that white paint is beautiful trim, most of which was originally installed in the house when it was built. And here is where we are at today.

This hallway has two windows and four doors. Originally, though, the hallway had five doors and one window, but the window pictured above replaced the original door. We are planning on reinstalling the door. Why, you might ask? Because we hope to someday add a two-story greenhouse onto the back of the house. We have been told that at one time, there was a double glassed-in porch on the house, but that it was torn down when it became unsafe due to neglect. 

So, as you can see, not a whole lot is happening that is really exciting to write and read about. Hopefully, this cold spell will go away soon and then we will have more updates. We are planning on painting the house this year! And of course, we are putting in the vegetable garden. We are also planning on adding four more gardens around the house and yard. So, stay tuned for painting and landscaping....eventually!

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